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2024-2025 Sports & Activities Registration

Fall sports begin on Monday, August 19. We offer men's & women's soccer, cross country, football, volleyball, & water polo. Sign up now using the online form and make sure you have a current physical turned into the Athletics Office. Go Bruins!!

Register for Sports & Activities: 2024-2025 Athletic & Activities Registration Form

Please read this: Fall Sports Information 2024

All athletes must complete the online registration form and have a valid physical (see below) on file before they can participate in practices or tryouts.

Physical Form

As part of the athletics registration process, you must have a valid physical on file. These are good for two years, so most sophomores and seniors who participated last year should already have one on file. All incoming freshmen and most juniors will need to get a physical using the OSAA Physical Form and submit that to the athletics office. Please email a completed physical form to