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Sam Barlow Equestrian Team

General Information

Equestrian Team

General Information
Sam Barlow’s equestrian team is a participating member of Oregon High School Equestrian Teams (OHSET). The OHSET program was first started in 1993 with a primary goal of promoting recognition in high schools of the equestrian athlete in a fair, positive, and educational format through team participation, peer acceptance, and learning good horsemanship. OHSET’s program is dedicated to encouraging the student athlete to develop lifetime skills of teamwork and self-discipline.

The OHSET Season
A typical season for the equestrian team starts the first week in November with practices two or three times a week. Competition season consists of three District meets that run all weekend long starting the first weekend in February. Athletes that qualify for State compete over Mother’s Day weekend in Redmond, Oregon. In June there is a regional meet for Washington and Oregon athletes that qualify during the State competition. The regional competition alternates between Redmond, OR and Moses Lake, WA.

Team Membership
There are two ways to join the equestrian team; either as a competing athlete or a groom. Competing athletes are 9-12th grade students who own or lease a horse for practice and competitions. Grooms help the team in a variety of ways but do not compete at meets and do not need to own a horse. 8th graders can join the team as grooms to learn more about the program. 

There are many events from which to choose that fall into four main categories.  

  1. Performance – Precision events Hunt Seat, Jumping, Dressage, Reining, Western Equitation, Trail, In Hand Trail, Working Rancher, Showmanship & Driving
  2. Gaming - Barrel Racing, Keyhole, Figure 8, Pole Bending, Individual Flags
  3. Team – Bi-Rangle, Canadian Flags, Drill, Working Pairs, In Hand Obstacle Relay & Team Versatility
  4. Cows – Individual events Daubing & Breakaway Roping, also Team event Cow Sorting

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Oregon High School Equestrian Teams

To find out more about the Oregon High School Equestrian Teams (OHSET) , please visit their website