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Helpful Resources for Remote Reading and Learning

Image of MackinVIA icon

If you are looking for great reads, take a look at our Barlow Library eBook and eAudiobook offerings through MackinVIA, our eBook provider. We have many hundreds of great popular fiction titles in this system from authors like Stephen King, Lauren Kate, Matt de la Pena and many more. There are also select non-fiction titles to support teen health and wellness along with fascinating biographies of consequential leaders.

To access all of these eBooks simply open this link and follow the instructions below:

1.) Type in our school's name on line one and select our school.

2.) Type in your school Google name when the Google log-in appears. (The same one you use to log-on to your school Google account (ex. bates15)

3.) Type in your school Google password if it asks you to. (The same one you use to log-on to your school Google account)

When you have finished with an eBook that you have checked out, log back in to your MackinVIA account and return the eBook so the next person can use it. Checkout periods are 21 days and you can renew up to two times through MackinVIA as well.

Using and Downloading MackinVIA eBooks on a Mobile Device

To use your own eReader, smartphone or tablet, download the MackinVIA eReader app. To find and download the correct eReader App for your device, click on this link and then scroll down to the App links that you need:

With this app you can log-in to your MackinVIA account and read, checkout and download eBooks following the log-in process shown above. When connected to MackinVIA, you can browse our electronic collection, preview our eBooks and manage your MackinVIA account. The MackinVIA app will also work as a permanent quick link to our electronic collection!

Image of Multnomah County Library logo

Multnomah County Library offers many tens of thousands of book, eBook and eAudiobook titles along with extensive databases covering all subjects and interests. Now in partnership with Multnomah County Library, ALL GBSD students have their own MCL accounts! If you had an MCL account before, it was merged with this new account. If you didn't have an MCL account before, you now have an active MCL account.

All student MCL Library Connect account numbers will look like this: 10XXXXXX. It's an eight digit number starting with 10 plus your six digit GBSD student ID number. You will use this account number to login to your on-line MCL account and to access MCL services.

For brand new accounts your password is currently set to your birthday. It is an eight digit number made up of your birth day, month and year. For single digit days and months, you will need to add a zero to the start of those numbers to make up the complete eight digit number. So, if you were born March 3, 2019, it would look like this 03032019. If you were born December 15, 2019, it would look like this 12152019

If you already had an active MCL account, your old account number and password will still work or you can use your new 10XXXXXX number. When using your new 10XXXXXX number, you can use your original MCL password to login.

For more information on how to access your new student Multnomah County Library account and their extensive resources, check out this Youtube video explanation: MCL Library Connect for High School Students

You can also learn more about these new accounts and how to manage them (Including how to change your password) here: How to Use MCL Library Connect



Image of Gale PowerSearch logo

Gale PowerSearch gives you full access to great research databases of magazines, journals and eBook content. All of the millions of available articles can be instantly converted into one of nearly 40 different languages including Spanish, Russian, Chinese and many others. The system can also read the article aloud in any language! If you are at school you should get instant access to the menu of database choices. If you are not at school, you will get a login screen that asks you for a password. Contact Mr. Wong or the Library staff for the remote access password for this database. 


Image of Salem Press logo

Salem Press is a fantastic on-line eBook database for any history, literature or science research project. It contains concise and scholarly articles on thousands of significant events, people and themes from American and world history. It also includes thousands of critical essays that examine the most significant novels available in English. Finally, you'll also find great reference works on scientific principles and fields of study including biology, chemistry, ecology, physical science and physics. If you need quick and reliable historical, English literature or scientific information, use this database! The remote password for Salem Press is gresham.


Image of Project Gutenberg logo

Project Gutenberg is a free eBook source that shares nearly 62,000 eBook titles from across the globe and in many languages. It offers a variety of download formats (Kindle, pdfs ...etc...) to choose from. Being public domain, these are generally classic titles like novels from Arthur Conan Doyle, Jane Austen, Mary Shelley and the like. To search their on-line catalog click on this link:

Search the Library Catalog